Hurricane Sandy Leaves Her Footprint on Cape Charles

A&N Electric lineman prepares to remove exposed utility lines behind Sea Breeze Apartments Tuesday after Hurricane Sandy washed out the foundation. The Town of Cape Charles has condemned the building, and residents have been evacuated. (Wave photo)

Mayor Dora Sullivan surveyed damage to the condemned unit of Sea Breeze Apartments.


October 30, 2012

“Can New Breakwaters Save Sea Breeze Apartments?” read a Wave headline on August 28.

Exactly two months later, Hurricane Sandy answered the question with an emphatic NO.

The only question remaining is how much worse the damage might have been without the new breakwaters.

Next door to Sea Breeze on Washington Avenue, the Historic District’s newest home (c. 2011) boasts on that it’s only 150 feet from the beach.

As of yesterday, that is an understatement.

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Burke Urges Openness, Bennett Pushes Development

Cape Charles voters will choose between Dan Burke and Steve Bennett November 6 to replace Councilman-elect Don Clarke, who passed away in May. (Wave photo)

Cape Charles Wave

October 30, 2012

About 70 residents turned out last Thursday for a Candidate Forum at the Palace Theatre, where Steve Bennett and Dan Burke answered written questions submitted from the audience.

Northampton County Supervisor Willie Randall moderated the event.

In introductory statements, Steve Bennett cited his four years’ experience on Town Council.  Bennett was defeated for re-election, but is getting a second chance to run due to the death of councilman-elect Don Clarke in May.

Bennett is a project manager with the architecture and engineering firm Clark Nexsen in Norfolk. Previously he was employed by Baymark Construction Corp., the developer of Bay Creek, where Bennett and his wife, Nan, live.

Bennett served on Town Council from 2008 until June 2012. During the forum he lamented both the previous lack of residents’ interest in town government as well as the current degree of contentiousness over the pending sale and use of the old school at Central Park. Bennett admitted that the sale of the old school “could have been handled better.”

Candidate Dan Burke emphasized his professional career at Schlumberger, the world’s largest oil exploration company, where he was manager of engineering, director of security, and an environmental affairs officer.  Burke said he believed his career experience would serve him well when called on to make decisions as a councilman.

Now retired, Burke has lived in Cape Charles 14 months, although he and his wife, Linda, have vacationed here for years. Burke said they chose to live in Cape Charles after falling in love with its small town charm. They reside on Madison Avenue in the Historic District.

Burke is running on a platform of accountability, accessibility, and openness in government. He criticized Town Council for holding numerous closed session meetings resulting in decisions of major importance without input from town residents. [Read more…]