Group Sues Town to Stop Sale of Old School

School and parking lot front to newly refurbished Central Park.

Cape Charles Wave

July 17, 2012

The residents group known as Old School Cape Charles has filed a lawsuit and requested an injunction to prevent the Town from selling the old Central Park school, adjoining basketball court, and parking lot to a private developer.

Cape Charles Town Council voted unanimously June 14 to sell the school to Echelon Resources, Inc., a Richmond developer, for $10. The developer plans to use historic tax credits to assist in converting the school into a 17-unit apartment building.

Although Mayor Dora Sullivan signed a contract June 28 to convey the property to Echelon, the sale has not been finalized.

The lawsuit contends that “Town Council has never provided any coherent explanation as to why competing proposals or bids were never solicited or requested.”

It further states that the terms of the proposal made to Town Council by Old School Cape Charles “were superior to the private development proposal . . . but the proposal was rejected, without any coherent or logical basis or explanation.”

Town Council held secret negotiations with Echelon dating back to last summer. The public first learned of the plans on February 9, which quickly led to the creation of Old School Cape Charles, LLC.

On March 19, Old School Cape Charles made their first offer to Town Council to purchase the school and turn it into a community center. Mayor Sullivan informed the group by letter April 4 that their proposal had been rejected.

Old School Cape Charles then offered June 12 to lease the property for $100 per year. When that offer was not accepted, on June 26 the group offered to buy the property outright for $10,000.

Wayne Creed, president of Old School Cape Charles, said yesterday that going to court was “the last thing we really wanted to do — we would much rather be using our resources to perform much-needed repairs on the old school.”

[Read more…]

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WEDNESDAY 7/18: Pantomime, Magic Tricks, Balloon Wizardry at the Library

Wednesday, July 18, at 10:30 a.m.:  Chris Yerlig will be at the Cape Charles Memorial Library to perform a unique blend of pantomime comedy, movement illusions, sleight of hand magic tricks and balloon wizardry that will leave everyone smiling. A highly amusing and imaginative performance, full of surprises! Learn more at

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FRIDAY 7/20: ‘Thanksgiving in July’ Public Dinner at Trinity United Methodist Church

The public is invited to a “Thanksgiving in July” dinner from 5-7 p.m. Friday, July 20, at the Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall,  410 Tazewell Avenue.

A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served. A donation is suggested, with proceeds going to the Heifer International Program, which provides farm animals and instruction to developing countries.

JULY 23-27: Sports Camp/Vacation Bible School at Baptist Church

Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (dinner provided each night for the kids)

Cape Charles Baptist Church is offering kids K-through 6th grade a free Mega Sports Camp — Beyond the Gold.

We want to give kids the chance to learn more about sports, discover character-building concepts, and discover God’s great love for them.

Kids can choose one sport to focus on for the week: football, basketball, soccer, tennis, cheerleading, or group games/crafts. It doesn’t matter if they’ve played sports all their life or just started. Mega Sports Camp helps kids improve their skills. All sorts of drills and practice games will get kids focused on the fundamentals that make athletes great. Each child will also receive a free t-shirt for the week.

Call or email Jenn Philpot at 757-678-7671 or [email protected] to receive a registration packet, or check out our church website at to print a registration packet.

SUNDAY 7/29: ‘Christmas in July’ Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast

A “Christmas in July” Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast will be open to the public on Sunday, July 29, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the American Legion Post 56 in Cheriton. Lots of festive decorations, music, and holiday cheer. All you care to eat pancake breakfast, served with bacon, eggs, OJ, and coffee, all for $5.

Bring a new toy to donate to Northampton County Social Services for children in need for Christmas.

Call 757-630-9490 with any questions.

AUGUST 3-5: Inaugural Clam Slam Festival

The Inaugural Cape Charles Clam Slam Festival is Friday through Sunday, August 3-5.

6-10 p.m. – Live music by John Baldwin & the Original Sinners at the Harbor. Food, beverages, corn hole contest, moonwalk and games for kids.

8 a.m. – Trash to Treasures Town-wide yard sale
10 a.m. – Shriners Parade and Car Show
10 a.m. – Artists & Crafters along Mason Avenue
10 a.m. – Food vendors at the Harbor
12 noon – Moonwalk and games for kids open
12 noon – Horseshoe registration and contest
2 p.m. – Smith Island crab skiff race
3 p.m. – Crab pot cork race
4 p.m. – Live music by Vedette
7 p.m. – Live music by Big Mighty

10 a.m. – Artists & Crafters along Mason Avenue
11 a.m. – Captains registration at Harbor
12:30 p.m. – Captains Practice
1 p.m. – 2nd Annual Boat Docking Contest ($5 admission fee)

SATURDAY 8/4: Clam Slam Library Book Sale

The Friends of the Cape Charles Memorial Library will hold a book sale on Saturday, August 4, in conjunction with the Cape Charles Clam Slam events. The sale runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the library grounds at 500 Tazewell Avenue.

The sale includes a great selection of light summer beach reading, romance books, and a wide variety of titles and authors. New this month is a large selection of books on birding from around the world.

All proceeds from the 2012 book sales will be used to buy DVDs for the library.

Over the last six weeks the Friends have purchased over two dozen new children’s movies and an equal number of new release movies, television programs and documentaries. New titles arrive each week and are added to the collection.

Scandinavian Scandal in the Historic District

Cape Charles Wave

July 16, 2012

This town is a little bit business-unfriendly. That’s my observation, anyway, as someone who’s lived here all of two years.

And not just business-unfriendly – it’s also more than a little bit improvement-unfriendly.

You just have to jump through so many hoops to get permission to do anything.

Latest case in point: The Cape Charles Hotel. Two years ago, the hotel had shut down and was a blight on Mason Avenue. Obviously, there’s no town rule against empty storefronts – we’ve got plenty of them.

The old hotel was particularly ugly, in my humble opinion, with its orange-salmon paint job. But there’s no law against ugly, apparently.

So – along comes an investor, buys the hotel at bank auction, pumps who knows how many million $$ into it, and opens up an elegant, tony boutique facility that is, or should be, the pride of the Town.

And now come the complaints. Folks don’t like the plate glass dividers on the balconies. Looks too Scandinavian for the Historic District.

At last week’s Town Council meeting, Town Planner Tom Bonadeo reported that the hotel is not in compliance with the architectural guidelines approved for it. There were supposed to be wrought iron partitions, and instead we got plate glass.

And it sounds like the Town’s planning to do something about it.

Meanwhile, as a property owner who does vacation rentals, I think about tourists’ first impression of Cape Charles – which is not Mason Avenue, but Randolph Avenue. As they drive into town, that’s what they see first. [Read more…]