#10 Story
June 29, 2015
In last Monday’s edition (which broke all readership records – over 7,000 page views in one day) the Wave had the sad task of leading the page with news of another drowning off Cape Charles Beach – a tragic death that competent town leadership could have avoided.
Anyone could have seen that drowning coming, and of course many did. The former “safe” beach has become a death trap now that newly pumped spoil has brought the beach close to the once-distant Cherrystone channel and its sudden drop-off and swift tidal currents.
Three months ago the Wave drew attention to the town’s failure to acknowledge the dangerous beach when we wrote: “A ‘special edition’ of the Cape Charles Gazette purports to tell everything you ever wanted to know about the harbor dredging/beach improvement. We learn what color the sand will turn, and whether it’s safe to walk on the beach. What isn’t mentioned is whether it’s safe to go in the water — specifically, are there dangerous drop-offs now that the beach extends so close to the channel? The town isn’t telling. (April 1, 2015)”
That same Gazette mentions that the town annually budgets $20,000 for beach sand replacement, but with the free spoil, that cost will now be saved. Yet last Saturday’s Eastern Shore News quotes town officials as saying that hiring lifeguards would be too expensive and too complicated.
That same news story quotes officials as saying that a safety line and rope floats have been ordered and should arrive “any day.” But the float line will not be installed until approval comes from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
That sounds very much like the recreation director’s report submitted to Cape Charles Town Council back in May, which stated: “The paperwork is almost complete to submit to DGIF. Once they review and approve, we can start on placing the swim area.”
Mr. Mayor, take a lesson from Rudy Giuliani following 9/11: be a leader. Order that float line to be installed immediately and get the DGIF approval retroactively. If you can’t provide a safe swimming area before July 4, then resign. The buck stops with you.
And speaking of resigning, we now announce that our three-year effort to produce a real newspaper for the Town of Cape Charles is ending. As the saying goes, the great thing about banging your head against the wall is that it feels so good when you stop.
Because we have dared to reveal coverups and to print the sometimes ugly truth about town and county politics, we are branded by our detractors as a source of “biased and inaccurate reporting” — code language for printing the news they don’t want told.
The Wave has always tried hard to get the facts straight, and when we make a mistake we correct it as quickly as possible. But there seems to be a great deal of confusion about what constitutes factual reporting and what is opinion. A “straight news” story should present the facts and let the reader draw his or her own opinion, while an opinion column allows the writer to state his or her own ideas.
For example, when we asked the owner of the Shanty restaurant why he publicly called Wave reporting “biased and inaccurate,” he cited a SHORE THING opinion column that described the Shanty’s arrangement with the Town of Cape Charles, which owns the land the restaurant occupies, as a “sweetheart deal.” When we pointed out that that was an opinion, not a news story, he replied that should we wish to express any further opinion about his restaurant, we should contact him first. And then he pulled his advertisement from the Wave.
Upon moving to Cape Charles five years ago, the last thing on our mind was publishing a newspaper. That was before we learned early in 2012 of plans to give away the old school in the park to a developer to convert it to an apartment building. Then we learned that it was a no-bid deal, a local group pushing for a community center was rebuffed, the developer got a 75 percent discount on utility hookup fees, the town enacted illegal spot zoning, shut down the basketball court, and on and on — including no water bill to the developer to this day.
It all motivated grass-roots resistance, briefly led by a former longtime Eastern Shore reporter for the Virginian-Pilot who became president of the Old School Cape Charles group. When we learned that she wanted to start a town online newspaper we signed on, and the Cape Charles Wave began publication in July 2012.
The premise of the Wave was that if townspeople really knew what was going on, they would do something about it at the ballot box. That had proved somewhat to be the case in May 2012 when none of three incumbents on Town Council was re-elected. But fate was not on our side, with the untimely death of Don Clarke before he could even be sworn into office. Another winning candidate, Tom Godwin, turned out to be a huge disappointment, choosing always to vote with the majority. That left Frank Wendell the sole opponent of the Council’s many inexplicable and sometimes illegal actions.
The Wave reported it all, and the past three years’ stories will remain online indefinitely as a record of our attempts to expose incompetence and malfeasance.
We hope the Wave will also be remembered for its many positive features, such as the delightful series of visits to local farms described in THE ALTERNATIVE TABLE by Karen Gay or the oral histories compiled by Cape Charles Historical Society.
We considered shutting down the Wave following the May 2014 elections, when all three of the candidates we supported were soundly defeated. But our supporters somehow convinced us to keep it going. This second drowning death was the catalyst that caused us to finally give up completely. Shining a spotlight on poor town leadership has accomplished nothing but to antagonize those who prefer to be ignorant, so we quit.
But our detractors should be careful what they wish for. Before they drink too much celebratory champagne they should be aware of the sobering fact that our erstwhile reporter Wayne Creed, the Jon Stewart of the Eastern Shore, is not quitting. As the Wave sinks into the sand, the Cape Charles Mirror has been born, and with Creed at the helm may prove to be a Wave on steroids. Read Creed’s column in the Wave from last September, “Drowning Might Have Been Prevented.” If Creed were mayor (he ran against Dora Sullivan in 2010), two drownings might now have been prevented.
A prominent local investor complained to Town Council, “it’s really hard to wake up on a Monday morning, wondering what’s going to [be in the Wave].” Now that investor can wake up and look in the Mirror.
Meanwhile, as we fold our tents and retreat, we would like to dedicate a little traveling music to the Cape Charles Town Council and the Cape Charles Business Association. CLICK to listen.
It is with a heavy heart that we read this article tonight. While we already knew you were ending the Wave as we know it, it was still sad to read. Without you both we will no longer know THE TRUTH about what is going on in our “lovely little community”. Now of course we will read THE CAPE CHARLES MIRROR, and we are hoping there will be a place to put comments.
You both have bent over backwards trying to make the idiots of Cape Charles wake up and take our town back, but alas it was not to be. We all fought hard to have a community center where everyone could have met new friends. The community center could have had the library, police department, town offices and so much more under one roof. We have no community center now and most likely never will. The main reason for no community center is that the “wonderful folks” running our little town LIED so often and for so long about the building and scared a lot of town residents into thinking the building was in poor condition (which was because the town broke their own code by letting the building fall into disrepair) and taxes would go up. Well we got no community center and taxes went up anyway. We would like to thank Dora Sullivan, Mike Sullivan, Tom Bonadeo, Joan Natali, Chris Bannon, Larry Veber, and Bruce Evans for destroying a historic building and lying repeatedly to the citizens of this town. Now each person can do their little happy dance and can rest well knowing “The Wave” will no longer be spreading THE TRUTH. Now the people running the town will really lose sleep worrying about what Wayne Creed will be writing. Now the townsfolks will really GET WHAT THEY DESERVE.
George & Dorie, we will miss reading the Wave but we will get behind Wayne and help him in any way we can. We both appreciate all the hard work that you both gave and we know your hearts were in the right place. You operated “The Wave” with honesty and integrity but the “powers that be” wouldn’t know honesty or integrity if they tripped over it. A very sad time tonight in the Bender home.
We too will be very sad to see this on-line newspaper die. We have a summer home in Cape Charles so we didn’t always know what was going on in our little town. The Wave let us know what was happening in what we thought was an informative and unbiased tone. What we loved about the “paper” was that they pulled no punches. They told the truth and sought out the facts to bring to its readers. We will miss this newspaper greatly but look forward to Mr. Creed’s Mirror. We thank you George and Dorie for your hard work and diligence.
This is an outrage! Another example of the PC people winning and silencing everyone and every view that stands for reason and common sense. I applauded George Southern long ago for the outstanding work he was doing and the fantastic Cape Charles Wave with such wonderful stories as the Concrete Ships, the Ferries, Lloyd Kellam, Dr. Gibb, and others. About the CC Beach, again Mr. Southern is right on. I presented an idea of a rope with buoys which would probably make the beach safer, but water is dangerous and water and kids especially so. I had no idea about the last drowning and that it would involve my family, but the boy was a member of our church.
George & Doris Southern do a fantastic job with the Wave and it is wonderful in every way. I see no bias, only the facts. This is what journalism is all about. They are supposed to be the watchdogs and not the way the mainstream press has devolved into being lapdogs. These good people do this hard work as true heroes and in the interest of helping the public and making their government honest. They do all this with either very little or no financial reward. I hope the support of all of us will change their minds and that this wonderful publication will continue.
Cape Charles and Northampton deserves what it gets — ZERO to advance into the 21s century. My heart is broken today. I felt George was a real great friend in my life. He would tell me privately, “I know your frustration, but I can’t write that for you, I would be sued.” Freedom of the press was laid to rest with the passing of the Wave, its epitaph “Well done with your writing hand tied behind your back.” I will never forget you George! Bravo!
Tony Sacco
George, Dorie and all contributors to the Wave. You have done a great service to this town and county. The work was hard and long and the rewards minimal, but your public loved you and the Wave and wish the Wave was not going away. I hope that our mayor takes your advice and goes ahead with the safety line at the beach. We don’t want to lose any more swimmers to the bay. In case the town fathers don’t value human life, they should remember that it is bad for business to have an unsafe beach.
What a sad time. I have enjoyed reading your articles, both factual and opinion — I suppose be it far from most in Cape Charles to realize the difference. Good luck to Mr. Creed, and yes I will be reading. It is always interesting to hear a difference of opinion on the occurrences of such a small town.
Your reporting has been a benefit to the entire County, not just Cape Charles. It set a standard that neither of the published papers have been able to match. If you discovered the rare error in your reporting, your willingness and ability to make corrections immediately has yet to be seen in other publications. It’s very sad that your last issue has to report on another preventable tragedy that $1,000 spent on crab floats, 1/2″ line connecting them and anchored with concrete cubes delineating a signed swimming area may have prevented. No other government authority can prevent or delay installation for public safety. A perfect vacuum is theoretical, but the Cape Charles government leadership has come very close to emulating it.
Mr. and Mrs WAVE, you WILL BE MISSED!
George and Dorie, thank you for your selfless work on the behalf of your followers. Yes, you have unravelled the mysteries of the town’s path to bankruptcy, but you did so much more: you created a lively dialogue that so many readers followed with much anticipation and offered real stories, rather than a varnished, heavily contoured and distorted perspective aimed at keeping us the masses in the dark. But each community gets the government it deserves…
My deepest appreciation goes out to you and my support and all future referrals will go only to the businesses that had the fortitude to continue to advertise on your site. Can’t wait to check out the Cape Charles Market. Wayne, I look forward to the Mirror.
Umm, Andy, its about the money. The Wave and the Cape Charles by the Bay site couldn’t coexist under the same roof. Now mind you there is nothing wrong with that choice, it just would have been nice to mention that somewhere in the article. You know how the Wave spreads the TRUTH. Throughout the Wave’s life there was a call to transparency and in the end the Wave wasn’t that transparent either.
Mr. Kenny, you are wrong about the money but correct that the whole story about “Cape Charles By the Bay” has not been fully revealed. One reason is that we at the Wave don’t know what’s going on — we only know that there is some intrigue between the town (in the person of Bob Panek), the Business Association, and the CCBTB website. Bruce Evans said it best at Town Council: “There is more to this than meets the eye.” If you think for one moment that we are abandoning the Wave in order to run that little website, you are very much mistaken. When we submitted the bid we assumed the town would figure out some way to disqualify us, and we’re still waiting to see how they wiggle out of the signed contract and award it to the Kohlers for twice the amount. But after seeing how the old school divestiture was handled, we have full faith in the town’s ability to return the CCBTB website to the Kohlers.
Sorry to learn that “The Wave” is shutting down before the fall elections. Hopefully, “The Mirror’ will pick up the mantle. While I have not always agreed with the expressed opinions, I value and appreciate this readily accessible open forum.
So sorry that Northampton County is losing a newspaper of such excellent quality. I’m also sorry that the Southerns felt as if the Wave was a “voice crying in the wilderness.” I loved reading it and enjoyed the — sometimes confrontational — opinions of reader vs. editor.
Whether one agreed with every position expressed in the “Cape Charles Wave”, the articles were well written and kept the readers up-to-date on issues that concerned the town and county. This could not have been accomplished without a great deal of hard work on the part of the editor and contributors.
For a community to function well, it needs an informed citizenry. I hope “The Mirror” will accomplish that as well as the “Cape Charles Wave” did.
If someone would offer me some space to open a business in Cape Charles, I would run for Mayor. I would chase the rats into the sewer where they belong; retake the industrial park that was given away for practically nothing and turn it into a wounded veterans rehabilitation center from the Iraq and Afghan wars; turn the harbor into a sailing/boat gaming area; open the railroad to trips to Washington DC and Grand Central Station NYC to pick up the folks from Wall Street for a stay to enjoy the golf course; bring the Lonesome Sailor to Cape Charles; reduce the tolls; and return the old school back to the people. Waterman and farming do not attract; stores do, amusement parks do, festivals do.
Although I was aware that this day was coming, I still have a very heavy heart, and a pit in my stomach. I can’t thank my good friends George and Dorie enough for all they have done for this place we call home. It has been three years of great reporting and — despite attempts by sycophants and apologists to paint it differently — true, professional, top-shelf journalism (Gordon Campbell, they actually should have received [the award you joked about]).
George and Dorie, I know it has been frustrating, but don’t think you have just been banging your head against the wall. In fact, thanks to the Wave, the last three years have been a time of progress and enlightenment in Cape Charles and Northampton County. More importantly, the Wave gave voice to a community that was largely muffled and gagged by the powers dejour, providing an online forum for the voice of discontent. It also provided a wonderful platform for projects such as Cape Charles Oral History, Andy Zahn’s entertaining memoirs, and of course, Karen Gay’s beautiful series “The Alternative Table.” We can’t thank you enough for these blessings.
Every season does have its time, and I understand it is time for you to move on and do something else, time to spend more time on yourselves, more time sailing your beloved “Island Girl.”
Your work will be missed my friends. Thank You.
Wayne, that is a beautiful tribute to the Wave and the Southerns. I asked George why he worked so hard and got little to no compensation and he said it was for the same reason that I write my wonderful memories. Wayne, you and I see things differently when it comes to animals because I eat meat and know the harm wild animals can do. I am also not a fan of the “theory” of climate change. While we disagree I respect your opinion and in the final analysis it may go either way. I’m sure we agree on many other topics! Good luck in your new venture!
The Wave has been like a beacon shining in the night during the past 3 years. You have demonstrated fearlessness in straightforward reporting of the often devious local political scene. Thanks to you, the citizenry has been kept informed of local political happenings, whether they were able to attend the meetings or not. This is an incredibly valuable service you have provided to the community. I understand how it can get tiresome to constantly “beat your head against the wall”, but want you to know your efforts have been very helpful in keeping some semblance of integrity in our local governments, county as well as town. Thank you for your tireless efforts, George and Dorie, and the best of luck in your future endeavors.
This is not a good way to start off my week reading about the Wave closing its shop doors. Yet what a wonderful source of news you both have provided to both citizenry and visitors alike these past years. And for that we should all be very grateful. I personally have relished every bit of news that you have published and would have been an eager reader forever. The very best to both George and Dorie and thanks for the memories!
Tom Kenny — You really should crawl out from under that rock of yours sometime and actually meet the people that you seem to love to run down. The Southerns are fine people that brought to light a lot of information that we (residents of Cape Charles) needed and had a right to know. George Southern as the editor rarely made a mistake and when he did he was always quick to fix it and apologize. If you will look back through all of the comments YOURS is the only negative remark.
So very sorry to see “The Wave” ending publication. I’ve enjoyed reading it and having an opportunity to comment on events, stories, opinions, etc. It will be missed.
Tom Kenny – “YOURS is the only negative remark” because the rest of us gave up a long time ago.
Your excuse for a “news” paper will not be missed by the majority population who feel that Cape Charles is a great place to live, and that the only press you feel we should read is negative, negative, negative. You slander the town and its leaders, and many potential visitors find another location to visit because of your constant negative writings. Most often The Wave has been nothing more than the Yellow Press or Yellow Journalism of many years ago. The definition is a description of the WAVE:
Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.
Wayne Creed has taken the Wave to new bottoms of journalism, and it’s sorry that he feels motivated to create a new and probably worse Yellow Blog.
Hank Mayer, while your agrammatism and marginal alliterations are endearing, please do not attempt to speak on behalf of the “majority population who feel that Cape Charles is a great place to live.”
George and Dorie, I’d like to wish you both the very best for your future endeavors, and a successful rental season. As for the title of Wayne’s blog, I’m reminded (as Wayne is so fond of saying) of those carnival mirrors I enjoyed as a child, where a thing of beauty is manipulated and distorted into something ugly and unrecognizable.
Yellow ? I and so many others discovered the Wave — from its inception — to be a STERLING dandy small town newspaper whose ripples, whose articles and opportunity for dialogue from all quarters could even enlighten much of Northampton County. Your voice will be sorely missed until we meet again. All best also to Wayne who has worked like a dynamo on crew.
Marita — you say that people gave up a long time ago. Because of the “powers that be,” a lot of the fine people that wanted a community center basically gave up the fight because they got tired of coming to meetings and having no voice in what was happening. It was wrong of the town to give away our historic 100-year-old school. I am sorry that you have such a distorted view of the citizens that fought so hard for the community center. All that we wanted was for the historic school to be brought back to life as a place for everyone to be together.
Hank — how can you say that the majority of the population are glad that the Wave is ending? I guess you feel that you, after having lived here a few years, KNOW how the majority feels. I guess you feel the majority likes having their heads in the sand about all of the underhanded, dirty, and colluded deals that go on every day. For instance, this deal about the poop pipe being run out of town. This is nothing but Bob Panek’s way of covering his rear end. Everyone in this county knows exactly what is going on, and the PSA is on their way to DEAD. I guess you and the majority are OK with basically allowing another child to drown. I can guarantee you that if a pretty little WHITE girl had drowned last summer, something would have been done about the beachfront instantly. All of the drownings have been minorities. I guess they were expendable? The “powers that be” were totally stupid when they enlarged the beach close to the jetty. Perhaps if they had known anything at all they would have known that there is a deep hole that has been there for at least 50 years.
Hank Mayer — There have been plenty of good news stories in the Wave. I appreciate the Wave’s focus on the operation of our town and county governments because this has really opened my eyes to how people I have come to know and like can behave in ways that leave me totally flummoxed. I have no fondness for the Old School in the park, but the arbitrary actions in paying a developer to take the building worth $900,000 rather than seeking input from town citizens on how to best make use of the building for the good of the town is anti-Democratic and counter to our culture of openness and respect for others. In County business, the Wave has revealed how the Board of Supervisors is behaving in a similar manner by going forward with the new zoning plan despite overwhelming objections by citizens. I wonder how many people who dislike the Wave for revealing slimy politics in Cape Charles are also against the County’s rezoning proposal. Both processes have been questionable and underhanded and deserve to see the light of day. Disliking the Wave is similar to shooting the messenger for revealing unwanted information. In my opinion, it’s better to clean up our Town and County governments’ act by voting these folks out of office and insisting on sunlight in those dark conference rooms.
We may lose one or two tourist families because of the controversies, but as I live in this town, I’d much rather have a clean government run by people who respect citizens’ opinions than continue to cover up this mess. I love this town and I think our town businesses would be better served by dropping their vendetta against the Wave and focusing on what really brings the tourists and their money here: the beach and of course, Brown Dog Ice Cream.
I am so sorry to see the Wave go, but I can’t imagine the stress George and Dorie have endured for three years making the Sunday night deadline every week and dealing with people who are angry over the revealing of suspect transactions. I have loved writing my articles on ESVA food and farms in The Alternative Table and plan to continue doing this via another vehicle. The Southerns have earned a well-deserved vacation from years of hard work trying to shed light on and inform people about the news in our town and county.
Does Hank Mayer live in Cape Charles? Who is Hank Mayer? Aside from his vicious and unwarranted attack, I will just second all the POSITIVE comments above. We are in good hands with Wayne, and I can’t wait for the MIRROR!
Tom — Hank Meyer, believe it or not, is actually chairman of the board of Arts Enter. If you were wondering about all the latest changes, such as where is the wonderful Mary Ann Roehm, this board is responsible for that. His wife also runs the Eastern Shore Spay Organization.
It’s a sad day when such a dependable source of information closes its doors. Many thanks to The Wave for reporting on stories factually and passionately, especially those regarding the destructive rezoning proposal of the Northampton BoS and the truth behind our “glorious” chicken industry. The Eastern Shore Post and the Eastern Shore News cannot hold a candle to The Wave, I think. Readers could freely leave their comments and criticism after each article. One could post their own OpEd article. Anonymous comments could be posted. Now that’s freedom of the press!
Controversial? Entertaining? Informative?
Actually – all of the above.
The best of luck to all!
Change can be a good thing, but “Wayne Creed, the Jon Stewart of the Eastern Shore” is a little scary. I prefer not to get my news from the Comedy Network. I guess that says it all!
Make that “the George Carlin of the Eastern Shore.” –EDITOR
The Wave improved public discourse on Town issues. The Wave opened new doors for participation to long time residents and newcomers alike and the Southerns’ contributions of time, energy and talent leave the civil society of the community healthier and better informed. Good luck to them for the future!
I am sorry to learn that The Wave is shutting down – and surprised. I join those who have expressed their gratitude for this newspaper and its willingness to investigate and report on situations and topics important to Northampton County residents. Wayne Creed wrote a wonderful piece about my organization in Machipongo, United Poultry Concerns, published on February 23rd. The comments, letters and articles in The Wave showed a willingness to let many voices – intelligent, informative, interesting voices – be heard and shared. I wish Wayne Creed’s new publishing venture, The Mirror, success, and George and Dorie Southern – Thank You!
Karen Davis, President, United Poultry Concerns http://www.upc-online.org
I hope whatever news media next comes to town and shore focus a lot more on the issues of the black people in the area and their issues other than deaths and crime. As I read the articles in the paper, it seems that your interest was focused on “front street” politics, money and power. Favoritism and corruption has always been present and rules the town even as it did when I grew up there. So ebb tide, not low tide Cape Charles Wave.
HEROES: There are many kinds of heroes. The people who stand up to expose problems and/or improper conduct on the part of our neighbors and governmental officials are one particular kind of hero. These people subject themselves to all kinds of malicious attacks and often false accusations, and for what? Telling the truth in print. To expose waste, corruption, and illegal acts in our town and county. The TRUTH is the TRUTH — you can’t change that. The Wave will be greatly missed
on many levels — the humor, the historical perspective, the public anouncements, as well as the exposés. THESE ARE MY KIND OF HEROS.
Having sat through many Northampton County Supervisor meetings I can attest to the sterling coverage by the Cape Charles Wave. The fact that they even chose to cover it was a major step as the town government and citizens have had a history of disconnect. As much as we may sometimes want to be an island onto ourselves, reality dictates we need to be involved with county issues whether we live inside any town limits or not. County and Shore issues affect us all. The Wave helped fill a news void at a critical time in our county’s history. The Eastern Shore News abandoned coverage of Northampton government, and other weekly news sources never scratched the surface of issues, instead just providing a “he said, she said” read. The Wave’s County coverage has been handled by Mr. Creed for months now in a thorough and professional manner; I don’t see any reason why that would change. I for one, am grateful. It is a thankless and not very lucrative job. I wish Dorie & George more peaceful days ahead.
I am personally sorry to see the Wave go. George was always amazingly supportive of the Eastern Shore Spay Organization’s fund raising efforts and B&B projects. The Wave was a huge effort with the willingness to report and supply current information not available anywhere else will be sadly missed. It also encouraged response and participation on local issues.
I think there may have been a rough start with the Wave as the new kid on the block with too many opinions. Maybe we needed the news and just the news without the controversial commentary. It turned a lot of people against the Wave who refused to subscribe to it. I always felt that it was their loss and if you really wanted to know what was going on in town it was necessary to subscribe.
I find Wayne Creed a little very frightening in his habit of “if you think it, it is ok to print it.” Like calling the new parking efforts communist. Really? If you are going to report the information and be a valuable addition to the Internet maybe you need to tone it down a bit.
Clelia Sheppard and Mary Ann Rohem resigned from Arts Enter. This caused the board to do a huge search for a replacement to fill their big creative shoes and tireless devotion. Change is always difficult.
Thomas D. Giese: We are your neighbors at 212 Bay Ave., about 4 houses away. Hank has a full-time job with Rutgers University in NJ as director of a research dept. I am secretary/treasurer of ESSO and together we own and operate the Chesapeake Bay View B&B.
Good Luck George and Dorie. Thank you for all your efforts.
Let me add my name to the long list of positive comments from Wave readers. I’ll miss reading about CC when I’m not able to be in town and learning about the ins and outs (including reverse parking) of town goings on. George and Dorie – I know you’re on to better things!