Historic Review: Second Rejection for Hotel Cape Charles

Glass balcony walls at Hotel Cape Charles lend a modern look not in keeping with the Town’s historic character, says the Historic District Review Board.
Cape Charles Wave
November 30, 2012
Cape Charles Historic District Review Board on November 20 rejected for the second time the balcony treatment at the newly renovated Hotel Cape Charles.
The hotel is operating on a temporary occupancy certificate, and the Town will not grant a permanent certificate until the hotel meets the historic standards.
Board chairman Russ Dunton said the Board’s decision is final, and that the developer can either change the balconies to conform to the original approved plan or appeal the Board’s decision to Town Council. “Town Council is bound by the Historic District Guidelines just as we are,” he added.
Dunton emphasized that the Board did not want to be unreasonable. He also acknowledged that the developer had spent a lot of money on the building, and that many people like its modern look. “But it’s our job to make sure that historic properties in town maintain their character,” he said.
The Board did make some concessions to the building’s modern alterations: They allowed the glass on the third floor in place of a railing, and they accepted the modern light fixtures. They also agreed to overlook the developer’s failure to install decorative wrought iron on the ground floor as originally promised.
But the Board could not accept the glass balconies on the second floor. [Read more…]
Eastern Shore Library System Strengthens Cape Charles
November 30, 2012
What a wonderful article Sarah Barban has written about the new libraries!
It is always such a pleasure to see people who enthusiastically support us and realize how essential a good library is for the community surrounding it.
I especially appreciated the way you emphasized that the Cape Charles Memorial Library is part of the Eastern Shore Public Library System. The new library in Onley should help the new location of the Cape Charles library become an even stronger magnet for its community. [Read more…]
SATURDAY 12/8: Santa’s House at Cape Charles Christian School
Cape Charles Christian School will host its annual Santa’s House 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, December 8. [Read more…]