Fund Established for Children of Tornado Victims
July 26, 2014
A fund for the three children of the couple who died in the tornado at Cherrystone Campground has been set up at PNC Bank.
All monies contributed will be distributed to the court-appointed legal guardian of the children.
Organizers hope that Shore residents will pull together and help these kids who have lost their parents.
Mail checks to:
Balatbat-Ortega Children’s Fund
PNC Bank
PO Box 623
Onley, VA 23418
Checks may also be hand delivered to the PNC bank in Onley.
County Overview of Storm Aftermath
July 25, 2014
The state of emergency has been lifted effective 8:30 a.m., Friday, July 25.
A strong thunderstorm with damaging winds and hail impacted the Cherrystone Campground area of Northampton County around 8:30 a.m. on July 24. Impacts from this wind event were extensive with many overturned campers and vehicles. In addition many campsite patrons were injured, with the Northampton EOC reporting 35 injuries requiring hospitalization and 2 confirmed fatalities. National Weather Service Wakefield visited the site and has confirmed the damage is consistent with an EF-1 tornado.
Northampton County declared a state of emergency immediately following initial response. Search and rescue operations were immediate and were well coordinated among various federal, state and local agencies. A mandatory evacuation of the campground was issued and 1,380 visitors to the campsite were evacuated to Northampton High School for temporary shelter. Many camp patrons subsequently found individual shelter options while others remained at the Northampton shelter. In the late afternoon, camp patrons were allowed temporary access to the campsite to retrieve personal items.
Northampton County requested assistance from the Hampton Roads Incident Management Team to continue overnight operational planning and coordination. This team will serve in an incident support role for Northampton County to assist in the recovery efforts. By 9 p.m. July 24 the Northampton shelter was closed, as most camp patrons had found temporary housing solutions.
Today, camp patrons will be allowed additional site access for the purposes of property recovery and personal property damage assessment. Governor Terry McAuliffe is scheduled to arrive at the campsite at 10:45 a.m. to conduct a site assessment and deliver a press conference. Media assets will be allowed to park at a designated staging area and will be allowed limited and controlled access within the campsite. [Read more…]