Local American Legion Post Gets National Exposure

Members of American Legion Post 56 in Cheriton (from left) Bill Stramm, Jim Chapman, Bill Burton, Bob Roche, Ed DeAngelis, Don Mclvee, Steve Downs, Jack Woolley, Marvin Milton, Joe Vaccaro.
Special to the Cape Charles Wave
June 2, 2013
The oldest American Legion Post on the Eastern Shore was chartered on February 13, 1922, and originally located in Cape Charles. Older veterans recall it as a lively location where WW I veterans and their families frequently met to dance, attend diners and march in parades.
Over the years it became one of the most desirable meeting spots for WW II and Korean Veterans on the lower Shore until a fire completely destroyed the Post some five decades ago.
In 2007, Post 56 found a new home in Cheriton, and another chapter for this 91-year-old organization began.
Since 2007, the Post has boasted bragging rights as having the highest state membership, Commander of the Year, Legionnaire of the Year, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, an ongoing Boys and Girls State program, a Law Enforcement Junior Cadet Program and an Oratorical Contest.
All of this is in addition to a thriving and highly successful Sons of the American Legion and an American Legion Auxiliary program.
This award-winning American Legion Post is featured in the June issue of the national American Legion magazine. The article notes how Post 56’s membership fell to 22 members and the charter was in peril of being revoked. [Read more…]