Forum on County Rezoning Draws Full House

Audience member Katherine Campbell spoke in favor of proposed zoning changes. (Wave photo)
Cape Charles Wave
November 10, 2014
Speakers at a community forum on the Northampton County Zoning Ordinance last Thursday called for the Board of Supervisors to withdraw the proposed ordinance changes being considered.
Some 140 residents braved the rainy evening to attend the forum in the Eastville Fire Station Bingo Hall sponsored by Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper and Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore. County Supervisors Granville Hogg and Rick Hubbard were among them. When asked when the supervisors might vote on the proposed changes Hogg answered, “I don’t know.”
Audience sentiment clearly supported withdrawing the proposed zoning changes. But one attendee, Katherine Campbell, bravely asked to speak in favor of the changes and was given three minutes. She said her concern was that the county needed economic development and that the zoning changes would lead to a more prosperous county. In response, panelist Roberta Kellam noted that everyone is interested in a more prosperous county. Kellam questioned how the zoning ordinance’s proposed ban on single-wide mobile homes could benefit low-income residents. “Will developers build affordable homes or waterfront homes?” Kellam asked. [Read more…]
GUEST EDITORIAL: Withdraw the Proposed Rezoning
Executive Director
Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore
November 10, 2014
Some 140 citizens gathered last Thursday at the Northampton Community Forum in Eastville to hear an explanation of the proposed countywide rezoning and some of the changes versus our current zoning. Volunteering their time and expertise, the panel included several trained, experienced Virginia State certified citizen Planning Commissioners, a scientist and Director at the University of Virginia’s Coastal Research Center, and a real estate broker of 40 years.
As co-sponsor of the event with Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper, Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore was encouraged by the large attendance. Clearly there is a thirst for additional information about the proposed zoning. The lack of knowledge, confusion, and alarm residents expressed concerning the new zoning proposed is another indication that the county has not done an adequate job explaining the changes proposed. [Read more…]
Great Atlantic Sturgeon Making Comeback

One of the first sturgeon caught in the James River in decades, this specimen measured over 7 feet long and weighed 300 pounds. (Photo: Virginia Commonwealth University)
November 10, 2014
In 2012, the National Marine Fisheries Service listed the Great Atlantic Sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act. This is usually bad news, but since sightings and spawning grounds were so rare, the fact that there was enough sturgeon left to even warrant the declaration is a good thing. Two years later, we find that they are once again spawning in the Chesapeake Bay just outside the James River.
A bit of a homecoming, the fish was critical to the first English settlement at Jamestown, and was noted by inhabitants as the “founding fish.” Historians and archaeologists unearthing the history of the Jamestown colony have called the sturgeon “The fish that saved Jamestown.” During a period known as “The Starving Time,” it was the one food source available to the English colonists that kept them alive. Because of their familiarity with the sturgeon species from the Thames River in England, they knew how to catch and cook the fish. [Read more…]
SATURDAY 11/29: 17th Annual Oyster Roast at Cape Charles Museum
On November 29 the Cape Charles Historical Society will hold its 17th Annual Oyster Roast from 5 until 9 at the Museum. The menu includes local oysters (roasted and raw), fried chicken, potato salad, chowder, 3 bean salad, homemade rolls, desserts, coffee, and soda, with beer and wine available. Food is served 5 -7 p.m.. Live music throughout by the Waterfront Band. Silent auction featuring an array of eclectic items, and the traditional Eastern Shore 50/50 raffle. Seating is available both inside and out. [Read more…]
FRIDAY 11/14: Victorian Architecture on the Eastern Shore Seminar
Science and Philosophy Seminar of the Eastern Shore of Virginia’s next seminar is “Gingerbread Gems: Victorian Architecture on the Eastern Shore.” The free 90-minute seminar will be held at 12:30 p.m. Friday, November 14, in the Lecture Hall of the Eastern Shore Community College, 29300 Lankford Hwy., Melfa. Cathy Johnson Tignor will survey the entire breadth of Victorian-era architecture, and show examples that may be found here on the Shore. [Read more…]
SUNDAY 11/16: Organ ‘Music for the Soul’ at Hungars Church
The Music Ministry of Hungars Episcopal Church is pleased to present organist Tim Brumfield in concert 4 p.m. Sunday, November 16. The program “Music for the Soul” includes Bach’s great Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, as well as works composed by Brumfield. He will be joined by a choir for Meditations on the Music of Compline. [Read more…]
Local Residents Active in Eastern Shore Artisan Trail
The Artisans Center of Virginia, in partnership with citizens on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, celebrates the naming of the newest artisan trail in the Virginia Artisan Trail Network system: “Virginia’s Eastern Shore Artisan Trail.” After 6 months of community meetings, lunch & learns, and an exciting amount of creative input with consideration by key stakeholders and the trail’s management team, consensus led to the branding of their artisan trail. [Read more…]
SATURDAY 11/15: SPCA Offers Pet Pictures with Santa
Santa will be at the SPCA Eastern Shore shelter in Onley on Saturday, November 15, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. to pose for photos with Fido, Fluffy, or whoever your furry or feathered friend is. For a $12 donation you will be able to choose your favorite shot from your pet’s photo session and receive a framed print of it. Those who supply an email address will be sent all the pictures taken of their pet or pets. [Read more…]