$96,000 Peach to Washington Sidewalk Study Approved

Town Manager Heather Arcos displays map of the planned multi-million dollar Community Trail system. The first phase was the Central Park sidewalk; next comes a trail from the Park along Peach Street to Washington Street. (Wave photo)

Cape Charles Wave

August 13, 2012

Cape Charles Town Council voted August 9 to award $96,000 for an engineering study for the next phase of the Town’s “multi-use trail system” – also known as sidewalks.

Land Studio Professional Corporation will “develop construction documents for implementation of the multi-use trail along North Peach Street and Washington Avenue of the Cape Charles Community Trail Master Plan.”

Land Studio PC also did the engineering studies for Central Park.

In addition to sidewalks, the trail system includes lighting, drainage, and trees and shrubs.

Town Manager Heather Arcos displayed a map of the Community Trail planned phases. The first phase was the walkway in Central Park, completed at a cost of $1 million.

Grant funding through the Virginia Department of Transportation provides 80 percent of trail costs, with the Town paying the rest.

The trail will include a median on Peach Street from the park to Washington Avenue and sidewalks on either side. Trail construction could begin in 2014 if funding is allocated.

“Further phases of the project will continue until the Town is linked by trails. It will be many years before the full Multi-Use Trail Plan has been implemented,” Arcos told the Wave.

The next scheduled phase will be the south side of Peach Street. [Read more…]