PLANNING COMMISSION: ‘Drastic’ Flood Zone Reduction?


May 7, 2013

Cape Charles Town Planner Tom Bonadeo has informed the Planning Commission that new Flood Insurance Rate Maps “have changed drastically by reducing the AE flood zone.”

The AE flood zone is the area for which flood insurance may be required. “The change is so drastic we need to be sure that there is not a mistake,” Bonadeo wrote.

The maps will be released May 21, and a 90-day comment period will follow. The new maps do not take effect until August 2014.

The Planning Commission will meet 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 7, at Town Hall.

The meeting will begin with a public hearing for a conditional use permit at 712 Randolph Avenue (Mosher Rehabilitation building) to allow an apartment over existing commercial space.

The Town information packet for the meeting may be read at

Bonadeo has also reported that:


— Cape Charles Yacht Center (South Port) is ready to begin installation of floating docks.

— The new owner of Aqua Restaurant and King’s Creek Marina (Robert Occhifinto) plans to improve its wedding business.

— Bonadeo is working with state and county authorities on an industrial access road connecting Stone Road with Bayshore Concrete and adjoining properties.

— The Wetlands Board has finished a permit for Bay Creek South along the Nicklaus golf course.

— The Eastern Shore Technical Transportation Advisory Committee is concerned about the safety of some of the Route 13 crossovers. Many of these are listed for closure or enhancement, but no money is available. Crossovers that have no deceleration lanes and no space in the median are the dangerous ones.



One Response to “PLANNING COMMISSION: ‘Drastic’ Flood Zone Reduction?”

  1. Denise Weber on November 7th, 2014 1:28 pm

    Does anyone know when the new flood zone goes into effect? Really hope to cancel flood insurance. Thank you.