Old School Contract Amended to Allow Low-Income Housing

Cape Charles Wave

February 27, 2013

Cape Charles Town Manager Heather Arcos has amended the contract with the purchasers of the Old School in Central Park to allow the possibility of low-income housing.

The original contract, signed June 28, 2012, by Mayor Dora Sullivan, stated: “To the extent permitted by law, Purchaser shall not operate the Project as a low-income housing facility under any state or federal program.”

The Town sold the Old School and adjoining parkland for $10 on December 20, 2012.

Three weeks ago, on February 7, Arcos signed an amendment to the contract removing the low-income prohibition.

The removal comes after three prominent civic leaders protested to elected state officials over alleged discriminatory housing practices by the Town. [Read more…]


SATURDAY 3/2: Register for Shore Little League

Shore Little League 2013 Registration Dates for Baseball and Softball: [Read more…]

THURSDAY 2/28: Roses in Watercolor Workshop at ESO Arts Center

This Thursday from 10 – 1 p.m. unlock your desire to paint with “Roses in Watercolor Workshop” at ESO Arts Center, Belle Haven. [Read more…]

FRIDAY 3/1: Future of Health Care on the Eastern Shore

The Science and Philosophy Seminar of the Eastern Shore of Virginia will present  “The Future of Healthcare on the Eastern Shore” 12:30 p.m. Friday, March 1, in the Eastern Shore Community College lecture hall, 29300 Lankford Hwy, Melfa. [Read more…]

SUNDAY 3/3: Cape Charles Band Kickoff Meeting and First Rehearsal

Cape Charles Band kickoff meeting and first rehearsal is 2 p.m. Sunday, March 3, at the Palace Theatre.  [Read more…]

SATURDAY 4/13: Stand-Up Comedy at Palace Theatre

The Palace of Comedy Show is 8 p.m. Saturday, April 13, for adults only (minimum 18). [Read more…]