Town Council Budget Work Session 6 p.m. Tonight

May 2, 2013

Cape Charles Town Council will conduct a budget work session 6 p.m. Thursday, May 2, at Town Hall. The public may attend but not speak.

Town staff will present a revised budget reflecting a 2 percent reduction from the previous proposal.

Town Council requested the revision in an effort to keep from raising the tax rate higher than the amount needed to obtain the same amount of money as last year.

Because the meeting is only a work session, there will be no vote on the budget proposal. The Town plans to advertise a proposed tax rate coming out of this meeting without having voted on the rate.

Under state law, a municipality can not enact a tax rate higher than advertised.

After the budget proposals and tax rate are advertised for two weeks, the Town will hold a public hearing 6 p.m. Thursday, May 16, when public comment will be heard.

Town Council intends to approve the budget immediately following the public hearing.



One Response to “Town Council Budget Work Session 6 p.m. Tonight”

  1. Deborah Bender on May 2nd, 2013 12:27 pm

    “Town Council intends to approve the budget immediately following the public hearing.” That says it all folks! It doesn’t matter if the people in this town like or dislike the new budget and tax increases — they will approve the budget following the meeting. The only reason they are having the public comment segment is because THEY HAVE TO — IT IS THE LAW. They will not listen to a thing anyone says and will do whatever they want.

    Maybe the Bay Creek people will come out in force the way they did against the community center and argue for lower taxes — however, this time around the powers that be won’t be listening or caring.