LETTER: Who Stole My Nuts? Help Crack the Case

Photo re-enactment of crime scene
January 5, 2013
Who stole my nuts?
There were two new blue 5-gallon buckets full of pecans in our carport.
This dastardly deed occurred sometime during the holidays. My wife and I had spent hours over the past few months gathering all those nuts to make holiday gifts of pecan pies for friends and neighbors.
Who or what would be so evil to abscond with my nuts?
Could it be we were visited by giant squirrels who could carry away buckets full of nuts? Not likely. I have yet to see any “super squirrels” in my neighborhood, or even in the town of Cape Charles.
Could it have been one of the errant deer sighted occasionally wandering in town? I don’t think they would know how to pick up two buckets with their antlers, so scratch the deer.
My next thought of a culprit was jolly old St. Nick, since he was in the neighborhood, but everybody knows Santa only eats cookies and milk on his night of travels.
Do reindeer eat pecans (in the shell)? Not that I know of.
Perhaps it was the ghost of Christmas past out for a yearly stroll? I think not – what would it do with my nuts?
So I appeal to our friends and neighbors to help by reporting anyone, or anything, seen carrying two blue buckets of nuts in town over the past few weeks. Help crack the case of the “Great Cape Charles Nut Caper.”
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Roger, I really hope you get your nuts back!
Roger, that’s too close for comfort. If someone stole your nuts, mine are at risk. I’ll be on a nut stakeout tonight.