Bathroom Design Reaffirmed by Citizens for Central Park

Park bathroom is planned to match size and appearance of 1980s sewage pump station. (Wave photo)
Cape Charles Wave
January 22, 2013
The group that chose a sewage pumping station as the model for a bathroom in Central Park reaffirmed its decision last Saturday.
The action came at a meeting of Citizens for Central Park, held at the home of Cape Charles Vice Mayor Chris Bannon.
The meeting was open to the public, and was attended by the bathroom’s most vocal opponent — Don Riley.
Riley urged Citizens for Central Park to redesign the bathroom to reflect the surrounding historic architecture, and to choose a better location in the park.
The current location will require raising the foundation 2-3 feet to prevent flooding, entailing a long, curved ramp for access.
Assistant Town Manager Bob Panek is also president of Citizens for Central Park, and chaired the Saturday meeting.
Panek noted that the Historic District Review Board and the Planning Commission had approved the bathroom and that Town Council had upheld the approval. He asked for a motion to go forward with the plans.
Twelve of 13 members present voted to continue with the bathroom as planned.
Riley told the Wave that he is not satisfied with 12 members of the community making a decision for the whole Town.
“When they planned the Central Park design, they involved the community. And this should be a community decision too,” he said. [Read more…]