LETTER: Convert One Tennis Court to a Basketball Court

Former basketball court sits unused. Town has granted developer Echelon Resources an extension until May 1 to begin work.
January 11, 2013
Was it necessary for the town to remove the basketball hoops at this time?
The developer of the old school, Echelon Resources, has requested more time before beginning construction, due to the court hearing in late January.
Couldn’t the town have waited to see the outcome, or at least discussed the matter with residents to come up with an alternative solution?
The basketball court was the center of physical activity for children and young men and women of all colors, and it was the only exercise facility available to students at Cape Charles Christian School.
One basketball court was enough to entertain and provide exercise for 10 or more youths at the same time.
No one complained about the rusted hoops, broken chains, uneven court, or lack of safety measures to protect the children from running to the middle of the Madison Street to retrieve the basketball.
The basketball court was the ONLY place where children and young people got away from TV, cell phones, text messaging, and computer games.
It was a place where young people could learn to work in a group and cooperate with each other.
There is a solution to our loss of a basketball court: Convert the two tennis courts to one tennis court and one basketball court. [Read more…]
SATURDAY 1/12: Annual ‘Epiphany Party’ at Fire Station
The annual Epiphany Party is 6 p.m. Saturday, January 12, at the Cape Charles Fire Station. Numerous items, including pink flamingoes, will be sold at auction. The public is invited.