Granville Hogg Defeats Willie Randall for Supervisor

Granville Hogg and Willie Randall outside District 1 polling place Tuesday. The two are back-door neighbors in Butler’s Bluff. (Wave photo)
November 6, 2013
A wave of voter discontent propelled Granville Hogg’s victory yesterday over incumbent Willie Randall as District 1 Supervisor for Northampton County. The preliminary count was 517 votes for Hogg and 400 for Randall, with absentee votes still to be tallied.
The results were vastly different from four years ago, when Hogg and Randall ran in a three-way race where Hogg received only 87 votes to Randall’s 272.
Voter turnout Tuesday on a picture-perfect day was a whopping 62 percent higher than 2009 when Randall first won his Supervisor’s seat. Now running not only as an incumbent but also as Chairman of the Board, Randall had to face voter dissatisfaction over issues such as the impending loss of the County’s only hospital, failing schools, and higher tax rates on declining-value properties.
District 1 voters clearly were also unhappy with County plans to create a special sewer tax district for commercial properties on and near the Route 13 traffic light between Cape Charles and Cheriton, which Hogg opposes. The issue may have precipitated Hogg’s candidacy after the Board of Supervisors removed him from his seat on the Public Service Authority in retaliation for his opposition. [Read more…]
Shannon Dunham Edges Tamsey Ellis for School Board

Shannon Dunham and Tamsey Ellis at polling place in Cape Charles. As depicted, the race was a friendly one. (Wave photo)
November 6, 2013
Eastville attorney Shannon Dunham defeated retired teacher Tamsey Ellis for the District 1 seat Tuesday on Northampton County’s first elected school board. Dunham received 488 votes to Ellis’ 435, with absentee ballots still to be counted.
The race had been a friendly one, with Dunham declaring that “I’m not running against Tamsey — I’m running for the School Board.”
Neither candidate carried the burden of incumbency, as dissatisfaction with County schools is running high. Incumbent Delores Lindsay had filed to run in District 1, but later changed to contest an at-large seat voted on County-wide. Lindsay was unsuccessful in the at-large race, however, losing to Randall Parks 2,170 to 1,442.
In the other at-large contest, Jo Ann Molera defeated Nykia Robinson 2,122 to 1,328. [Read more…]